A Suggestive Destination for Your Next Conference: Spain
Buildings have the power to determine how we feel, as well as how we function. Architects and builders would be wise to Inviting a psychologist to “pull up a couch” [...]
today14 Agosto 2019 409 129 5
A proposito di sbalzi di temperature, chissà se il Colonnello Laricchia, stasera venerdì 19 aprile- 19,30- al Circolo Unione ci confermerà che “ non esistono più le mezzi stagioni di una volta “. Vi aspettiamo.
Recognizing that the psychological effects and implications of architecture may be something which is considered, but not always given voice to, I attended various seminars with my depth psychological attuned ears wide open to find out if and how things psychological were discussed or not. My reflections are based solely on my experience of each particular seminar, are by no means exhaustive, and are not intended to be generalizable.
With a nod to Freud and Jung, I, pulled up my imaginary couch and put my first patient on it: the Kentlands’ seminar. Amongst other points, the presenter noted that the New Urbanists’ approach delineates what type of structure/structural elements fit well in particular contexts, which from a psychological point of view speaks to a group cohesiveness model.
Group cohesiveness of an informal group, such as a section of a neighborhood, varies
widely based upon shared values, goals, and level of interdependence. Curiously, one of the methods of strengthening group cohesiveness is having something/someone that does not fit well which is perceived as other and/or does not seem to contribute to the harmony of the group. Depth psychology would wonder, how this phenomenon is or is not factored in to the Transect model? Paradoxically, the architects and planners should plan to put in the “outsider” to hold the remaining community together.
Written by: PC
labelDesign today14 Agosto 2019
Buildings have the power to determine how we feel, as well as how we function. Architects and builders would be wise to Inviting a psychologist to “pull up a couch” [...]
labelDesign today14 Agosto 2019
labelDesign today14 Agosto 2019
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